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    strong feet and a pioneer's heart

    Right before George was born, I began checking his horoscope, under the assumption that he would be a Sagittarius. Which he is (gasp-choke; Universe, what did I ever do to you?). You'll undoubtedly think I'm an idiot to say so, but the idea of having a carefree, tactless, optimistic and adventure-loving little Sagittarius filled me with apprehension. I don't follow astrology like it's gospel (neither do I follow gospel like it's gospel), but I am superstitious and believe me when I say there aren't italics slanty enough to emphasize how superstitious I am. 

    While George did sort of bound out of the womb, he wasn't wearing tevas and asking to join the PeaceCorps, so my astrological anxiety was alleviated fairly quickly. That was, however, helped along by one horoscope in particular that I've saved:

    "You taste delicious 

    Animals understand you 

    Your importance is unusual 

    The funny faces you make are interesting to look at 

    You fight for power in all the right ways 

    Ecstatic gratitude is pouring out of you 

    I see the best in you, your divine attitude 

    You have strong feet and a pioneer's heart 

    No one can overflow as well as you can 

    You are famous with God 

    You are famous with me 

    You are famous with the snakes and birds and roses and pines and ocean and earth and sky 

    A lost tribe salutes you from the other side of the veil 

    You remind me of a star"

    Not a horoscope like you're used to? Rob Brezsny's Free Will Astrology is pretty awesome. Periodically, I've come back to this list, re-read it to see what resonates with me, jibes with George's changing personality. Different lines, of course, have been startlingly accurate -- nobody can prepare you for the hilarity of your newborn's expressions -- but the one that I first loved best has become my projected personal slogan for him: You have strong feet and a pioneer's heart. I hope he keeps those traits forever.


    Reader Comments (1)

    Oh, I love this! I must say I have never read my daughter's horoscope, but I may run off to do just that.

    March 11, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMelissa

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