shilling for the best cause ever

George's godmothers are two of the most quality human beings you could ever hope to meet. They work for social justice, they teach tolerance, awareness and special education, they help women in crisis, they rollerskate and have dance parties and as a result, everyone who's lucky enough to know them LOVES them. They're exceptional, beautiful, wonderful, amazing women. When they started trying for a baby -- a sort of harrowing process for anyone facing obstacles -- my fingers and toes were crossed, my hair was braided; I couldn't wait to congratulate them on the impending birth of their first child. That day finally came and while I was beyond thrilled for them, I was also a little concerned. We'd already talked about the kind of birth they wanted, and they were deciding between a midwife-assisted home birth and a midwife-assisted birth center birth. But neither would be covered by Alena's insurance. My relationship with my midwife and my birth experience were so comfortable, so easy, so precisely what I wanted that I couldn't imagine disallowing another couple the choice to birth their baby how and where they want. Neither can I imagine expecting them to put every penny toward a midwife's fees at a time when they should be saving for maternity leave. They've cleared so many hurdles on the road to starting a family; why can't this one thing be easy?
When our friends or family members are expecting a baby, we want to give them something useful. If it's cute, it helps, but anyone who's had a kid knows that you're gifted enough sleeper sets and crinkly toys to choke a horse. What if we could help give that baby a gentle birth? What if we could give those mothers the gifts of comfort and respect? What if we could do all this while taking a little of the power out of the hands of the insurance companies that try to dictate how we take care of ourselves?

Reader Comments (2)
thanks for doing this! unfortunately the donate link just takes me to paypal, with none of their info in it. can you post an email or something so we can send it directly to them?
go baby go!
Crap. I'll fix it tomorrow (and the one in the sidebar works, I think), but the email address is homebirth4alena(at)gmail(dot)com. Sorry!