quick hit: beasties, etc.

Why (among other reasons) I am mourning MCA (and I really am. Licensed to Ill was a revelation to 10 year old me when my cousin played it between LL Cool J and Aerosmith records. It felt mad and funny and very adolescent, in the can't hardly wait sense. Rest in power, Adam Yauch.)
Megan and Miriam are giving away a free Kindle copy of their book, The Other Baby Book, on Mother's Day! Read it over your kid-made breakfast in bed.
Michelle at the Parent Vortex reminded me that my kid isn't the only one being a persnickety, independent twerp sometimes (a sweet, adorable twerp, that is).
Once upon a time, I had a real job, and in that other lifetime this kind of thing was relevant to me.
Far and away the craziest birth story I've ever read.
And, finally, Zelda turned three months old. Cute cute cute. Happy Sunday!