day off

When you live in a place where seasonal affective disorder is a big enough deal that anyone can tell you where to get a SAD light, or argue the matter of how much vitamin D you ought to be taking, a sunny day in mid-February is -- much like that unexpected snow day in November -- MAGICAL. Even when it's 35 degrees.
Today, I woke up with George at the regular diaper change time (six-ish) and couldn't fall easily back asleep. At nine-thirty, Nathan scooped him into the sling and left me with a king sized bed to myself, for lolling around, sleeping on my stomach (a treat rarely allowed by my child who must have uninhibited access to my front at all times) and utilizing my full pillow instead of the corner, as there was nobody but me to potentially suffocate. At ten-fifty, I awoke again to the smell of a soon-to-be-delivered coffee and omelette breakfast and SUN streaming through the window shades. Glorious, sunglasses-necessitating sun.
Nathan had the day off, so we walked around downtown, window shopped, bought a record and had some coffee. Our sunny window seat was warm.
And my boys were so cute.
Sigh. Thanks for the sneak preview, Spring.

Reader Comments (2)
That sounds heavenly.
SO lovely!!